A Special Appeal to International Volunteer and Human Rights Organizations


A Special Appeal to International Volunteer and Human Rights Organizations

The military and administrative units in Bangladesh are continuously supporting a particular political party while oppressing other political parties and the general public. They are engaging in indiscriminate shootings, killings, and brutal torture. Even volunteers are not spared from their repression.

The current abuse of power and misuse of the legal system poses an extreme threat to the people of the country. To put an end to this unlawful practice and ensure the safety of volunteer organizations, I urgently appeal to all international volunteer organizations for their special assistance.

Dear International Volunteer and Humanitarian Organizations,

My name is Suman, and I am a permanent resident of Barishal, Bangladesh. I am a volunteer, but the current situation in Bangladesh is so dire that there is no guarantee of legal protection. Despite being a volunteer, I have been subjected to persecution by the administration. Many of my fellow volunteers have been arrested, imprisoned, and subjected to inhumane torture, which is a blatant misuse of the legal system.

Volunteers do not belong to any political party; they work for the welfare of humanity. However, in Bangladesh, volunteer organizations have now become targets of the military and administrative forces. Our activities are being disrupted, various excuses are being used to suppress us, and attempts are being made to silence our voices.

The Alarming Situation in Bangladesh

Political violence, human rights violations, and misuse of the law in Bangladesh have reached an unprecedented level.

  • Political Repression: Leaders, activists, and supporters of opposition political parties are being arbitrarily arrested, forcibly disappeared, and subjected to extrajudicial killings. Anyone expressing political dissent is being labeled as an "enemy of the state" and imprisoned.
  • Crisis of Democracy: The lack of a fair electoral system, suppression of dissent, and severe restrictions on freedom of expression have effectively led to the establishment of authoritarian rule in the country. The judiciary has also become a tool in the hands of the ruling authorities.
  • Misuse of Law: Existing laws are being manipulated to serve the political interests of the government. Law enforcement agencies, instead of remaining neutral, are working in favor of a specific political party, raising serious concerns about their impartiality.
  • Persecution of Volunteers and Human Rights Activists: Those who speak against human rights violations and stand by the oppressed are being targeted through various repressive tactics. State security agencies are using false cases, arrests, and torture to silence them.

An Urgent Appeal to the International Community

We, the persecuted volunteers of Bangladesh, appeal to the international community, human rights organizations, and volunteer groups for assistance.

  • Ensure Our Safety: Immediate international intervention is needed to stop the unjust persecution against us.
  • Expose the Reality of Bangladesh to the World: International media, human rights organizations, and global institutions must raise awareness about the human rights crisis in Bangladesh and take appropriate action.
  • Stand with Us: International organizations must support volunteers dedicated to humanitarian service and provide necessary assistance to ensure their survival.

We want to live. We want to serve humanity.

Therefore, I urge international human rights organizations, volunteer groups, and world leaders—please help us. Stand with the persecuted and oppressed people of Bangladesh.

We demand justice. We demand protection. We want to serve humanity freely.

শেয়ার করুন


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