Current-Ghar Jamai Samachar.

Current-Ghar Jamai Samachar.

Ghar Jamai Samachar.

The son-in-law is kept a lot like a pet pet. And usually a helpless or greedy young man is the son-in-law.
However, the principle of Islam is that the husband should keep his wife to himself.
But on the contrary, the wife usually pretends to be the husband. The wife is the ruler. Then his (male) child is equally happy to die. If Ghar is the son-in-law, he has to have special qualities like patience. You have to give up, masculinity, anger, hunger. One of the useless organs of such a man is the spine. Every moment they feel "I'm at fault, why am I the son-in-law"
At the end of it all, there is a proverb of 2 villages with a son-in-law
- The house does not have the value of a son-in-law.
- Stupid number six, that house son-in-law Roy.
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Mostafa Ahmed Khan

অতভূত ঘটনা খেলার মাঠে গর্ত

অতভূত ঘটনা খেলার মাঠে গর্ত

 In the start the hollow turned into very small. A not unusual hole most effective five meters huge. But overnight, it has emptied about 60,000 square ft of agricultural land. The homes round the corner also are underneath chance.

This immense hollow was born within the nation of Puebla in Mexico.

Government officers have visited the website online because the hole turned into first noticed remaining week. Residents in the place were evacuated for protection.

At first glance, the hole appears to have been shaped by using the collision of a spacecraft. If the water is drawn from the ground, the government trust that this massive hole has been created.

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), such holes are formed when the lower part of the earth's surface cannot preserve the upper element.

However, it could not be ascertained why this large hollow turned into created. The government has fashioned a committee to investigate the problem.

Dean Reed

Dean Reed


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May be a cartoon of 3 people and text that says 'Really American "In 1983, Trump would not allow one of my staff engineers on board his yacht because he was black. "We cancelled the contract and he tried to sue me for breech of contract. He lost." -Jesse Pariseau Spread the word.'
I shall share this for all the good it will do. To the diehard MAGAs, a number of pretty compelling revelations of Donald Trump's racism and sheer sliminess have fallen short of the mark in terms of dislodging his
base. While anyone who finds DJT reprehensible, as do I, this sort of meme may serve to further reinforce that contempt. But for the rare MAGA who might possibly come across this, as likely as not it would be taken as one of those "features" and not "flaws".